Right now the United States is involved in countless wars that are ruining the lives of people around the globe by promoting violence and the destruction of the natural world. Every year the U.S. government also spends billions of dollars financing these wars at the expense of domestic social and job service projects. And with the military hardware that never gets used, the federal government transfers it to state and local police departments to be used on the domestic population often at times of civil unrest.
Attend the 3rd Annual March For Peace and help us end Pittsburgh's role in the global military industrial complex that exploits so many in the name of profit rich and wealthy.
1. We demand an immediate end to all forms of war in which the United States is currently engaged.
2. We demand an immediate reduction of the U.S. military budget by at least half, including nuclear weapon divestment, with reinvestment into social & infrastructure programs.
3. We demand an end to the militarization of domestic law enforcement organizations.
Endorsing organizations:
Anti-War Committee of Pittsburgh, Council on American Islamic Relations (PGH), Extinction Rebellion (PGH), The Thomas Merton Center, Casa San Jose, Black Political Empowerment Project, St. James Church Peace and Social Justice Committee, Greater Pittsburgh Coalition Against Violence, Green Party of Allegheny County, Industrial Workers of the World (PGH), 350 Pittsburgh, and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom