We invite Progressives and Greens from Montco, Bucks, Delco, Chester, and Berks to join us to help strengthen regional organizing.
In addition to a brief meet and greet introductory session we're planning having on Move on Harrisburg to discuss Ranked Choice Voting.
RCV is an electoral system in which the voters can rank candidates by preference, from their number 1 choice, to their number 2 choice, and so on. RCV eliminates the spoiler effect and “lesser of two evils” voting, as voters no longer have to vote strategically or worry about “throwing away their vote,” and RCV increases voter choice by equalizing every candidate’s opportunity to winning the election.
The meeting is open to the public; you don't need to be a registered Green to attend.
Facebook Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/329804375681775/