Dear Pennsylvania Representative,
Whereas Marcellus shale natural gas is not a transitional fuel, but an impediment to a clean energy policy that conserves energy and develops solar, wind, geothermal, micro hydro and other renewable technologies, and Whereas methane (CH4) a greenhouse gas and the principal component of natural gas is more harmful than carbon dioxide (CO2), and Whereas the Energy Act of 2005 exempted the oil & gas industry from the Safe Drinking Water Act, and Whereas natural gas fracking results in a level of evastation on the scale of the previous oil, timber and coal exploitation of our natural heritage, and Whereas the byproducts of the hydrofracking process include the release of radioactive materials into the environment, and Whereas hydraulic fracturing squanders our precious water resources and poisons drinking water, private wells and public supplies, and Whereas natural gas extraction poses dangers, including explosions, threatening those employed by the industry as well as the general public, and Whereas
Article 1, Section 27 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania states
“The people have a right to clean air, pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and aesthetic values of the environment."
Pennsylvania’s public natural resources are the common property of all the people, including generations yet to come.
As trustee of these resources, the Commonwealth shall conserve and maintain them for the benefit of all the people,” and Whereas there is a total failure to regulate extractive industries including the failure to prevent illegal water withdrawals by the oil & gas industry in Western Pennsylvania, and Whereas Pittsburgh and Philadelphia have passed ordinances calling for a ban and a moratorium, respectively, Be it resolved that, I, call for the termination and prohibition of all natural gas extraction involving the use of our Commonwealth’s water resources. I call for a ban immediately stopping all high volume, slick water, horizontal fracturing of deep shale, including exploration, in Pennsylvania and worldwide.
I believes the short term economic benefits will be dwarfed by the long term economic and environmental consequences of natural gas extraction. Any and all political and legal means must be employed to protect our environment.
In the interim, I support the right of local communities to protect themselves and assert their rights through local ordinance.