We are the Chester County chapter of the Green Party of Pennsylvania, supporting local Green candidates and promoting the Green Party's four pillars of ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, social justice, and nonviolence.


We have one meeting per month, on a weeknight at 7 pm.  Odd-numbered months are virtual meetings, while even-numbered months are in person as indicated on our calendar.  Email [email protected] to sign up for meeting notifications.  Please join us for our next virtual meeting Monday, September 9!

State (Green Party of Pennsylvania)

Chester County Green Party elects delegates to serve on the State Committee of the Green Party of Pennsylvania.  We also serve on state committees, as well as support state-level Green candidates.  GPPA hosts three in-person meetings and three virtual meetings per year.  Observers are always welcome, so join us for the next meeting to learn more!


Upcoming Meetings of GPPA:

Saturday, September 14, 2019 - GPPA Business Meeting in Bellefonte, PA, 12-4 pm.

Sunday, November 17, 2019 - GPPA Virtual Meeting

National (Green Party of the United States)

The Green Party of Pennsylvania elects delegates to serve on the National Committee of the Green Party of the United States.

Click here to read about upcoming votes for the GPUS National Committee.  Email comments/questions to [email protected] or attend our next meeting to participate in the discussion.

Click here for our most recent bylaws.

Follow us on social media!



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