Hello and thank you for your interest in the Green Party of Allegheny County, the local affiliate for Pittsburgh and greater Allegheny County.
By filling out the form below, you will register for the Green Party of Allegheny County mailing list and volunteering, through our partnership with the Green Party of Pennsylvania. This allows you to easily sign up for mailing list, to volunteer, to sign petitions, and to donate in the future.
Who's joining
Bryarr Misner
Joseph Wolfson
GPOP never has a monthly meeting in December. It is forbidden by GPPA By-laws.
Maddy McGrady
Layla Chantell
Gabriel Schwerer
Michelle Giordano
Izzy Hill
Amira Rose Henderson Thomas
Connie Novak
Carissa Dennery
Kiara Walker
Patrick Flaherty
Patrick Flaherty
Emily Donato
Sandra Candelaria
Colleen Schmotzer
Richard Burgunder
Jennifer Greenwood
Jennifer Greenwood
Elizabeth Schongar
Margaret C
Jennifer Greenwood
Christian Wright
Tom Twiss
Kirby Poisel
Eden Munday
Abby Carney
Kimberly Anderson
Barry Bendar