The Palestine working group of the Green Party of Allegheny County (GPoAC) recently voted to endorse the "Not On Our Dime" campaign. This is a ballot initiative for Pittsburgh to become the first city to let voters decide that we don’t want our taxpayer dollars going to Israel or any country engaged in genocide and apartheid.
As part of our endorsement, we will host occasional field trainings. They will be held in person at the GPoAC office in Oakland:
Friday, January 10, 2025
- 6:30-7:30 p.m.
GPoAC office
3721 Forbes Avenue, second floor
- above First National Bank, entrance on Oakland Avenue
- Pittsburgh, PA 15213
3721 Forbes Avenue, second floor
More information is available at
Mask policy: The GPoAC General Assembly recently voted to make all business meetings mask-mandated events.We ask that those who are sick or who have been recently exposed to stay home. We encourage those who attend to have tested recently to help slow the spread of COVID, influenza, and other airborne illnesses.
If you'd like to make a donation please visit
Green Party of Allegheny County
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