WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party has released a statement in response to the mass murder of civilians in Beirut, Lebanon, on Nov. 12 and in Paris, France, on Nov. 13: "We in the Green Party of the United States express our sorrow and anger over the attacks in Beirut and Paris and deep sympathy for those who lost their lives, for the injured, for their loved ones, and for the people of Lebanon and France.
"We also express sympathy for civilians killed in Syria, Baghdad, Garissa University College in Kenya, the downing of a Russian airliner, and other recent massacres.
"Those who enabled the attacks must be brought to justice, but we oppose reckless state-sanctioned retaliation that will result in more civilian casualties and repressive measures against people not responsible for such attacks. Those fleeing violence in their home countries must not be blamed for the actions of those willing to murder civilians.
"We call for an end to terrorism and to foreign policies that motivate terrorism, including U.S. military actions and wars for oil and geopolitical control that have resulted in mass death and mayhem. A state of perpetual undeclared global war, even against the most reprehensible of foes, will draw more attacks on civilian populations.
We declare our support and sympathy for all innocent civilians who are made to suffer and die -- whether by bullets, bombs, or drones, and regardless of which side in any conflict inflicts suffering and death. The Green Party counts nonviolence among its Ten Key Values. We urge international solidarity for all those working for peaceful resolution of conflict, for human rights, and for the protection of all life."
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