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Working toward a future where people and planet are valued and our government represents all of us.
Everything we do is based on our Four Pillars and Ten Key Values
If you find that you share these ideals, come and join the movement.
Green Party of PA News Highlights
From the Chair
Greetings Fellow Greens and Green Supporters!
Yesterday the Green Party of Pennsylvania filed for ballot access for six great PA candidates for the November election. These candidates offer an alternative choice for those voters who refuse to support a continuation of the same old corporate-sponsored politics that perpetuate the destruction of our environment, the polarization and destabilization of our economy, the systematic oppression and imprisonment of persons of color, and the unending export of war and death throughout the world; all in the name of profit no matter which party is in power. I am honored and excited to be a part of these Green campaigns that offer concrete recommendations to reverse the damage and lead us toward a future where people are valued above profits.
I recently attended the Green Annual National Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
It was an amazing experience and there is much I want to share so watch for an email in the next few weeks to find out more about it.
Sheri Miller, GPPA Chair
PA Greens File for Six Candidates in the 2018 General Election
The Green Party of Pennsylvania is proud to announce our candidates for office in 2018.
On July 31, 2018 Green Party of Pennsylvania representatives went to Harrisburg, PA and filed for six candidates to be on the ballot in the General Election on November 6, 2018.
Green Party of Pennsylvania Candidates for public office:
Governor, Paul Glover
Lieutenant Governor, Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick
US Senate, Neal Gale
State Senate District 20, Jay Sweeney
State Representative District 10, Darcelle Slappy
State Representative District 23, Jay Ting Walker
Candidate Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick said in a statement “I'm happy that I and other PA Green Party candidates will have the opportunity to earn the votes of our neighbors because even though it was hard work getting signatures for our nomination papers, we came across many people who were eager to sign because they recognized that the problems of this Commonwealth won't be solved if voters restrict themselves to the limited solutions and candidates presented by the Democrats & Republicans.”
“Due to the hard work of over 100 volunteers, voters will have the opportunity to consider Green candidates who share a people-focused agenda over the corporate-funded alternatives. stated David Ochmanowicz, Bucks County delegate to the state party. “PA voters who embrace an end to Citizens United, call for a ban on fracking, support single payer healthcare, seek responsible stewardship of our environment, and yearn for a more representative government can choose candidates that will fight for people over profits.”
The recent February 2018 court decision focusing on ballot access, a joint effort by the state’s Green, Libertarian and Constitution Parties, was successful in lifting some of the overwhelming hurdles for fair and equitable ballot access applicable to smaller parties.
“We have been diligently working on growing the PA Green Party through years of putting forward candidates against the obstacles created by the two-party system. By running candidates in every election cycle, we are creating a structure that retains knowledge and is reproducible. The six candidates that have qualified for the November ballot today will continue to break down the structures that prevent ordinary people from obtaining elected office.” said Timothy Runkle, State Party Treasurer.
“This is straight grassroots what I’m doing,” candidate Darcelle Slappy told The Beaver County Times reporter J.D. Prose in an interview posted on July 30th. “I’m going door-to-door making a personal connection with everybody, and that’s what it takes.”
Jay Sweeney, candidate for State Senate in District 20 stated, “I am thankful for all who circulated a petition on my behalf as well as those who signed. I will continue to work to empower the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and improve our electoral system. I will work for healthy communities, clean energy jobs that protect our environment, and a sustainable future.”
PA Green Party candidate for Governor, Paul Glover, is focusing his campaign on the issues of fossil fuels, mass incarceration, education, legalization of cannabis, green jobs, organic agriculture, and universal healthcare. He stated, "I'm the only candidate for Pennsylvania Governor who would ban fracking, which poisons the future. As well, I would replace prison building by creating 500,000 green jobs.” A long-time activist, Glover helped create Ithaca, New York’s local currency and is author of the book Green Jobs Philly.
To volunteer or donate to help Green candidates, visit our candidate website at, and to learn more about the partyś commitment to people over profits,
PA Ballot Access Fund Drive
Our candidates are turning in their petitions placing them on the ballot for the November election. This effort has been driven by nearly 100 volunteers, hand collecting signatures to help these Green candidates meet their goals.
We can’t stop our grass-roots efforts now! We need help to build our legal defense fund for these candidates in the event of a challenge to their petitions.
Please help now by donating and sharing our fund drive page
Support the Green Party of Pennsylvania
We have recently expanded our options for GPPA logo material!
Check out our merchandise page to find a way to #BeSeenBeingGreen
GPPA July Retreat Recap - Photos
The Saturday line-up of speakers included
Cheri Honkala - Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, 2012 GP Vice Presidential Candidate, PA197th Candidate - Women's March on the Pentagon
Jim Wylie - Sierra Club - Ready for 100
Uwchlan Safety Coalition - Fighting Pipelines Locally
Kevin Patrick Kelly - Chester County Peace Movement - Fighting for Peace
Kyle Hudson - Social Media for Recruitment
Alan Smith - Professor of African Studies - Why Green - Examining the 4 Pillars
Sharron Cooks - Decriminalization of Sex Work and Trans Rights Issues
Mark House - White Supremacy, Capitalism, and Policing
Randy Bartlett - Our Revolution PA - How We Are Working Together
News Highlights from GPUS & More
August Green Wave & Green Party Telethon
It’s time to kick–off the 2018 electoral season!
On Saturday, August 4th the Coordinated Campaign Committee is calling for a national Green Wave. We are asking Green Party candidates and activists to engage in major efforts to reach out to voters.
We are calling on all local and state Green Party chapters, as well as unaffiliated Green supporters, to organize a Green Wave event in their community on August 4thin support of our candidates.
We have a awesome group of candidates running this year. Your effort in winning your election and green voters is key to the future of the party and the country. The CCC is committed to help.
Green Party Telethon August 18th& 19th
The Coordinated Campaign Committee and the Media Committee have agreed to host the first ever Green Party Facebook Telethon on August 18, 2018. We see it as a major effort to raise money for our candidates in the fall elections.
Tune in and share on social media with #GreenWave2018. Tell us how you’re going to Green Wave by emailing [email protected] so we can help promote your event or activity. Tag the Green Party on social media - @GreenPartyUS
This is our year. Vote Green in 2018!
Single Payer will lower the total cost of health care
Of Course, Medicare For All would increase Federal Spending … But it would lower the total cost of health care
A recent report by the Koch Brothers-funded Mercatus Center at George Mason University found that moving to a National Improved Medicare for All single payer healthcare system would increase federal spending. They analyzed Senator Sanders’ Medicare for All Act and estimated it would increase annual federal spending by $32 trillion over ten years. Don’t let their attempt to weaken the strong support for single payer healthcare in the US fool you. Even though their report underestimates the savings, they admit that single payer would lower the total cost of health care.
This years Annual National Meeting [ANM] was held in Salt Lake City, Utah July - Wrap up
This years Annual National Meeting [ANM] was held in Salt Lake City, Utah July 19th-July 22nd . Which so happens to be the home of one of my dear Green Party friends Deanna Taylor and her husband Tom King, who put me up for the time I was in Utah. For those who have not been to Utah, it is a massive open flat space that runs right up to the bottom of these massive mountains that frame it in. Quite grand compared to our New England mountains.
GPUS New Store is Live
Other Revolving Doors
Green Pages ~ by Don Fitz
t’s more than doors between the US government and the businesses that they supposedly regulate that go round and round. One of the other swinging doors is between the Democratic and Republican Parties.
A second door
Perhaps the best known case is when Al Gore ran for president in 2000, he picked Joe Lieberman as his running mate. Then, in 2008, Lieberman showed up at the Republican national convention to endorse John McCain for president. Between those two campaigns, John Kerry, the 2004 Democratic presidential nominee, was rumored to be leaning to ask Republican John McCain to be his running mate.
Had Al Gore won, Lieberman would most likely have been the subsequent Democratic nominee for president. Had John Kerry won with McCain on the ticket, McCain would have been the heir apparent to the “Democratic Party” crown. Whether Lieberman or McCain, Democrats across the country would have been told to bow in reverence to their party’s red-blue nominee for president.
This was hardly the first time such a switcheroo blossomed in American politics. In 1864, Republican Abraham Lincoln dumped his sitting vice-president to ask Democrat Andrew Johnson to be his running mate. After Lincoln’s murder, US voters, who had selected a Republican to be their president, found him replaced by a Democrat. (Read the full article)
What is PA GreenWave? Why is it so important?
GreenWave is a committee of the Green Party of PA overseeing a regional network of support for candidates, campaigns, and new county affiliations.
2017 was a very good year for local Green wins, and we are looking forward to cultivating numerous candidates for state and federal offices in 2018 -- and to establishing local affiliates in counties that lack them.
It takes hundreds of Greens just like you to make the Green Party work.
We are a people-powered party.
Seeking small donations from many (rather than huge donations from just a few) ensures that the party and its candidates represent real, everyday people and not just special interests.
You can support the Green Party in many ways, however a monthly sustaining donation helps to fund a solid infrastructure to help local chapters coordinate candidates and provide resources to make their campaigns successful. As little as $3 per month can have a significant impact!
Join us and help bring about a future where people and planet are valued over profits. If you want to get more directly involved, consider volunteering or joining a committee.
Work with other committed progressives in activities such as planning events, developing media content, or helping with campaigns. Lets join together to make 2018 the year of progressives!
Green Party of Pennsylvania Communications & Media Committee
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Issue Credits: Dave Ochmanowicz
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Green Pages: The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States