I want to thank you for voicing interest in trying to volunteer your talents and hard-earned skills to help our party grow. As a party built by and for community members committed to a better world, everyone has the potential to contribute. We’d like to ask you to help our party communicate positivity and values with messages and graphics, in the spirit of #BeSeenBeingGreen.
The Green Party US Merchandise Committee is soliciting completed art submissions for products to be featured in the Green Party store found at gp.org/store. All proceeds from the Green Party US store DIRECTLY support the national Green Party. We are asking that your submission(s) of shirt and mug art designs be of high quality. Currently accepting two, three, or full color designs. Please incorporate “gp.org” in your design, if at all possible.
Graphic messaging submissions may convey and include, but are not necessarily limited to components of the Green Party US Logo. Messaging on Green Values that are not necessarily unique to us may be submitted. This includes such issues as Single Payer Healthcare, Environmental (Wisdom), Organized Labor, Solidarity messaging, Ballot access, Green New Deal, Earth Day, May Day, and other ideas found in our platform.
We try to always make sure an appropriate, perpetual artist credit is listed in the product summary and presented in the store listing out of gratitude and respect. Our products generally will be produced with a union bug. There is also the potential possibility your submissions may be shared and used by or in conjunction with the various committees of the Green Party, like Outreach and Media. They may be produced or used in other forms like literature, print, or social media with your permission.
We would encourage any submissions for the products listed below later this year.
- Posters (13" x 19") & Literature
- Auto (license plates, license plate frames, hitch covers )
- 4in x 4in Stickers
- Totes and Hoodies
Submission Deadline Request: 2/20/22
Upload graphic submissions here: [Graphic Arts Submission link]
Thank you again for your interest in helping our communication efforts
Green Party US
Merchandise Committee