PITTSBURGH-- The Green Party of Allegheny County (GPOAC) understands that Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto and Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald will submit a proposal tomorrow in attempt to convince Amazon to establish a second headquarters in the Pittsburgh area, as was recently reported in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Tomorrow is the deadline for municipalities to submit their proposals in response to Amazon’s RFP. Amazon will announce its decision where it will locate its second headquarters in 2018.


GPOAC is a political party with a mission based on four pillars: social justice, democracy, ecology and peace. We are grassroots activists using collective action to affect change at the local, regional, national and international level.


GPOAC believes that all residents must benefit from the resources that this

region has to offer regardless of financial wealth or political status. We support workplace democracy, and the development of new technologies that are ecological and accountable to the communities that support it.


GPOAC urges the Mayor and County Executive to ensure that any proposal submitted doesn’t give away the store. Other cities like San Antonio have decided not to submit proposals because the tax abatements required to entice Amazon to set up shop are simply too high. This would place a heavy burden on Pittsburgh, a city already strapped with an inordinately high percentage of tax-exempt real estate. “I wonder if the incoming tax paying Amazon employees would make up for the property taxes lost to abatements,” said Tim Jones, GPOAC chair.


A USA Today Tech article from January 2017 1 states that “Amazon has a troubling labor history, marred by lawsuits, picketing, grueling work conditions, complaints of management tactics and lower wages.”


According to the article, Amazon pays 15% less on average than the prevailing wage in similar warehouse jobs, uses temporary and on-demand employment to “erode job security”.  “Having a company come here with such a poor labor track record could be very disruptive to the Pittsburgh area economy. We should be careful what we wish for,” said Garrett Wasserman, GPOAC Media and Technology Coordinator.


GPOAC calls on Mayor Peduto and County Executive Fitzgerald to require, as a condition for doing business in Allegheny County, that Amazon address its poor labor practices, including but not limited to: providing living wages (above today's poverty-level minimum wage), providing healthcare, improving working conditions, working with union organizers if demanded by employees, and assure affordable housing. We also expect Amazon to pay its fair share of taxes, and invest in our community’s education and child day-care programs.


In addition, an estimated influx of 50,000 Amazon employees could have a destabilizing effect on area property rental rates. Amazon must commit to policies that will spur development of affordable housing in our low-income communities.


We encourage all concerned citizens to contact their local elected officials and let them know these are the basic demands of any business wishing to locate to the Pittsburgh area, including Amazon.





Tim Jones, 412/552-8145

David Hughes, 412/421-4163



Green Party endorses upcoming marches for climate justice in April

Green Party calls Trump "criminally negligent" for reckless policies as the climate crisis worsens

Green Party endorses upcoming marches for climate justice in April

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders spoke out today about the environmental and public health threat posed by the Trump Administration's reckless industry-friendly actions, including attacks on regulations and Scott Pruitt's appointment to head the EPA.

The Green Party has endorsed upcoming marches for environmental and climate justice, including the March for ScienceApril 22 in Washington DC; the People's Climate Movement March for Jobs, Justice and the ClimateApril 29 in Washington DC; and satellite climate marches throughout the U.S.

Greens are continuing to promote the Green New Deal as an alternative to regressive Republican and compromised Democratic policies.

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Green Party endorses Cheri Honkala

Green Party endorses Cheri Honkala for PA State Representative in District 197

Cheri Honkala, candidate for Pennsylvania State Representative in District 197, has been endorsed by the members of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) at their January 25 General Membership Meeting.




Green Party of Pennsylvania endorsed Cheri Honkala at their State Convention on January 29. Honkala will campaign as the Green Party candidate in a Special Election scheduled for March 21. She ran for Sheriff of Philadelphia in 2011 and for Vice President of the U.S. in 2012.

"Democrats have been playing games with our lives in Philadelphia and especially inDistrict 197, and I plan to do everything I can to change that in Harrisburg," Honkala said at the GPOP meeting in Roxborough. 

Honkala, a formerly homeless, single mother, co-founded the Kensington Welfare Rights Union in 1991 and, in 1998, launched the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, where she currently serves as the National Coordinator.

"Cheri has worked tirelessly on behalf of families who face homelessness and poverty long before she ever considered running for office," said Galen Tyler, chair of the GPOP City Committee. "She knows their pain and the real struggles they face everyday because she has walked in their shoes."

Chris Robinson, the GPOP membership secretary, declared, "The Green Party is proud to run a candidate with Honkala's qualifications, dynamism and unbridled opposition to poverty."

The Special Election is scheduled for Tuesday, March 21, to fill the seat left vacant by convicted felon Leslie Acosta (Democrat), who resigned in January after pleading guilty to a federal felony charge of conspiring to commit money laundering.

The Green Party is an independent political party founded on the four pillars of nonviolence, grassroots democracy, ecological wisdom and social justice. For information about the next Green Party meeting, please call 215-843-4256 or email [email protected]. Visit the Green Party of Philadelphia's website at

Green Party condemns the "Trump Wall of Shame"

Green Party condemns the "Trump Wall of Shame" and other racist executive orders targeting immigrants

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States strongly condemned President Trump's executive orders, announced on Wednesday, imposing severe immigration restrictions, expanding the criminalization and deportation of undocumented immigrants, and authorizing construction of a massive border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Greens urged all Americans to reject the "Trump Wall of Shame" and to stand up for the basic rights of documented and undocumented immigrants, racial justice, protected legal status and amnesty for the undocumented, and hospitality for refugees.

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GPUS: Mass Pressure for #NoDAPL

Green Party urges mass public pressure to reverse Trump's order Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party is calling for mass public resistance in reaction to President Trump's announcement that he is permitting the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines to move forward.

"The public protests, on-site camps, direct action, citizens' lobbying efforts, and law suits that persuaded President Obama to reject the KXL and halt the DAPL must resume, with appeals for congressional action to reverse President Trump's decision," said Robin Laverne Wilson, 2016 Green nominee for the U.S. Senate in New York and co-chair of the Green Party Black Caucus.

Green Party urges mass public pressure to reverse Trump's order Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party is calling for mass public resistance in reaction to President Trump's announcement that he is permitting the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines to move forward.

"The public protests, on-site camps, direct action, citizens' lobbying efforts, and law suits that persuaded President Obama to reject the KXL and halt the DAPL must resume, with appeals for congressional action to reverse President Trump's decision," said Robin Laverne Wilson, 2016 Green nominee for the U.S. Senate in New York and co-chair of the Green Party Black Caucus.

"Unfortunately, President Obama left the door open for a future president to resume the pipelines. In December, the Army Corps of Engineers announced that it would seek an alternative route. The Green Party calls new pipelines unacceptable and dangerous in the era of global warming," said Ms. Wilson.

On Tuesday, Mr. Trump signed executive actions to accelerate construction of the pipelines and expedite environmental review and approval for infrastructure projects favored by the oil industry.

Greens support public works projects to repair damaged roads, bridges, and other unsafe infrastructure, but insist that such repairs take into account environmental concerns, without promoting fossil-fuel extraction and consumption. The Green Party has called for a 100% fossil-fuel-free economy by 2030. (See the Green New Deal )

In 2016, Green candidates and activists joined members of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribeprotesting construction of the DAPL less than a mile from their reservation. Among the Greens were presidential nominee Jill Stein and running mate Ajamu Baraka, who were charged for nonviolent civil disobedience, and U.S. Senate candidates Robin Laverne Wilson (New York) and Margaret Flowers (Maryland).

The proposed route of the DAPL endangers Lake Oahe, the reservation's main source of drinking water. The original pipeline route, across the Missouri River near Bismarck, was rejected because of concerns that it might contaminate the city's water sources and mostly-white residential areas.

"The pipelines are a danger both locally and globally," said Chris Blankenhorn, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. "Locally, the risk of spills and explosions threatens human lives, health, and the environment, as numerous incidents have proved, most recently in rural Alabama with the explosion of the Colonial Pipeline in October 2016. Globally, pipelines contribute to the release of greenhouse gases that are heating up the atmosphere."

"Crude oil extracted from tar sands fields in Alberta, Canada, which the Keystone XL and Enbridge pipelines would transport across the U.S., is especially harmful. Pipeline construction and maintenance would provide few permanent jobs and would deliver the oil to ports for export -- not for domestic energy needs," said Mr. Blankenhorn, who will participate with other Illinois Greens in a rally against the pipeline in Springfield, their state's capital, on Saturday, Jan. 28 at 1 p.m. CT.

According to The New York Times, "The State Department estimated that Keystone would support 42,000 temporary jobs for two years -- about 3,900 of them in construction and the rest in direct support, like food service -- but only 35 permanent jobs."

The Keystone XL (XL for "Export Limited") pipeline's destination at major shipping ports in the Gulf of Mexico indicates that the primary purpose of the pipeline is to make Canadian oil available to foreign markets, enriching oil companies. (See "Pipe Dreams?", Cornell University Global Labor Institute )

See also:

Green Party condemns the violent suppression of Dakota Access Pipeline protesters
Press release: Green Party of the United States, November 1, 2016

Green Party urges President Obama, Sec. of State Kerry to reject the tar-sands pipeline
Press release: Green Party of the United States, February 5, 2014

Petition to tell Trump Stop the Dakota Access Pipeline

7 hurt as pipeline explosion lights up the sky in Alabama

USA Today, October 31, 2016

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Green Party: Republican plan to repeal Obamacare should spark a new public demand for Single-Payer healthcare

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders said that the Republican plan to repeal Obamacare, Medicare, and Medicaid should motivate Americans to demand Single-Payer national healthcare ("Medicare For All").

Greens asserted that making healthcare a right for all Americans -- instead of saving Obamacare -- should be among the demands that are front and center at the Inauguration Day protests next week.

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The Green Party of Pennsylvania calls for the elimination of Direct Recording Electronic voting machines and replacement with a verifiable paper ballot.  Paper ballots can be tabulated with an optical scanner.  This system is now used in several Pennsylvania counties.  Random audits can verify the accuracy of the scanners.
The Jill Stein for President campaign recounts have raised some serious issues about the integrity of our elections.  Most notably, 75,000 ballots in Michigan were found to have no choice for president.  These votes were all in Detroit and Flint, yet Michigan law says these votes cannot be counted, and the reported totals stand. In Pennsylvania, the recount sought to examine voting equipment in counties were recounts were conducted, but these attempts were denied by county level judges.  While US District Judge Paul Diamond struck down the recount in Pennsylvania based on the Stein campaign contending unverifiable elections are unconstitutional. So, there is still no assurance of an accurate vote count.
“In Wyoming County, we used to have a paper ballot and a pencil to vote.  We would joke that the only way to improve the system was to use a pen”, said Green Party Auditor General candidate Jay Sweeney.  “The Help America Vote Act was passed and we now have electronic voting machines with no paper trail.”
In addition, the Green Party of Pennsylvania calls for the adoption of Ranked Choice voting.  This will allow voters to rank their choice in order of preference without fear of electing a candidate they oppose.  Maine was the first state in the nation to adopt this system in November.
Hillary Kane, GPPA Secretary, said "This is not the end of the Green Party's efforts around electoral reform.  The Green Party of Pennsylvania has long supported multiple reforms to improve access to the ballot such as Same Day Registration, Instant Runoff Voting, Ranked Choice Voting, and reduced signature requirements for those seeking elected office."  Kane was one of hundreds who filed a petition earlier this month requesting a recount in her precinct in West Philadelphia.
Finally, voter suppression must be reversed.  Long lines made it difficult for the elderly and disabled to tolerate the wait.  Broken machines were found in use in predominantly black voting districts.   Voting on paper ballots allows more people to vote simultaneously rather than wait for one of a limited number of machines to become available.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania thanks Dr. Jill Stein for her presidential campaign, promoting awareness of the Green Party’s values and shining a light on the problems with our voting system.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania is independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties.  The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands for grassroots democracy, social justice, nonviolence, and ecology.
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GPUS Group Page

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The Green Party of Pennsylvania declares victory in the general election



The Green Party of Pennsylvania‘s status is elevated from Political Body to Minor Party as a result of the General Election. Row Office candidates Kristin Combs, Treasurer and John J Sweeney, Auditor General, reached 3% of the vote total in their respective races.

This will place the Green Party option on voter registration forms and allow the Green Party of Pennsylvania to place a candidate on the ballot in the event of a special election.

Attention: News Editor
For Immediate Release
November 21, 2016

Kristin Combs 512-789-9416 [email protected]
Hillary Kane 267-971-3559 [email protected]


“We entered this race with a very specific goal: win 2% to make sure we start 2017 in the best position possible,” said State Treasurer candidate Kristin Combs. “Thanks to Pennsylvania voters, we not only met our goal; we nearly doubled it. I can’t wait to get working on the next round of local elections.”

“At least 165,000 people voted Green. That is the largest vote total the Green Party has ever achieved in Pennsylvania,” said Auditor General candidate John J Sweeney. “I was shocked when I discovered it exceeds Ralph Nader’s 2000 total by over 60,000. That is 60% more than Nader’s 103,392 votes.”

The Green Party of Pennsylvania is independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands for grassroots democracy, social justice, nonviolence, and ecology.

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Rally for Stein/Baraka at Penn State



Rally for Stein/Baraka at Penn State


Jill Stein


Jill Stein will be visiting Penn State on Wednesday, 9/21 from 11:30 to 12:30 in Freeman Auditorium in the HUB


Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential Candidate to Deliver Policy Address at Wilkes U. 9/21/16

Jill at WU


Dr. Jill Stein, Green Party Presidential Candidate to Deliver Policy Address at Wilkes University

Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, will be in Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday, September 21, from 7 - 9 to deliver a policy address regarding her domestic and foreign policy positions. She will be at Wilkes University’s Student Union Ballroom on the second floor, West South Street in Wilkes-Barre. The stop is part of Stein/Baraka campus tour, which has become of staple of the campaign in 2016. Earlier in the day Stein will also appear at the main campus of Penn State University. Media requests may be sent to the contact listed above.

Stein is expected to comment on Green Party of Pennsylvania’s effort to ban fracking, enact state-based single payer healthcare, ballot access reform and efforts to end the drug war. In addition, the campaign is seeking to gain support to be included in the presidential debates. “We have a candidate that is on 46 ballots, and running write-in campaigns in three additional states, yet we continue to be ignored by media and shut of debate,” said Carl Romanelli, Coordinator for Stein/Baraka in Pennsylvania. “We are determined to see a debate with all candidates included, not just the two despised corporate candidates,” he said.

Jill Stein is a physician who has been active in the Green politics for the past 20 years. She was the party’s 2012 candidate for President of the US and she ran against Mitt Romney for Governor of Massachusetts in 2002.

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Green Party Hails Ballot Access Decision

The Green Party of Pennsylvania hailed a new ballot access ruling that immediately cut the required number of signatures to get statewide candidates on the 2016 ballot from over 21,000 to 5,000 signatures.

"This is a game changer," said GPPA Secretary Hillary Kane.  "We have been fighting these unfair ballot access rules in court for almost ten years.  Finally, we have prevailed.  This is welcome relief to the Green Party and all of those who care about equal access to the ballot."  Ms. Kane served as GPPA Chair 2007-2009; during her tenure GPPA joined with other third parties in what would be the first of many law suits.


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2016 PA Green Party Caucus Information and Schedule


Presidential Caucus Information & Schedule


How will it work?

One Green, One Vote! If you are a registered Green, you may attend ANY OFFICIAL GPPA CAUCUS LISTED and vote.

You will be permitted to vote one time in total.  

Once you arrive at a caucus location the coordinator will prompt you for ID and provided with a ballot.


Locations & Schedule

Allegheny County:  April 7th, 7pm at Citizen Power 2121 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh contact Robert Piemme <[email protected]>

Bucks County: April 28th, 6PM - 8PM at Tausif Khan's Home (Email Tausif for location information)

Centre County: April 2nd, 10-6pm at St John Lutheran Church 216 N McAllister St Bellefonte

Chester County: see Delaware County

Dauphin County: April 30 @ 10 AM - Noon at Harrisburg Friends Meeting 1100 N 6th St, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102

Delaware County: April 23rd, 1-3 pm at Swarthmore Borough Hall, 121 Park Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081

CONTACT Jocolyn Bowser-Bostick · 610-662-4502

Fayette County: TBA

Lackawanna County: April 19th, 7pm at Case Quattro Winery 1521 Main St, Peckville contact Jay Sweeney 570-587-3603

Lehigh County: see Northampton

Luzerne County: April 23rd, 11am-2pm at Wilkes University, Kirby Hall S. River and South Sts

Montgomery County: April 23rd, 1-4 PM.  See details:

Northampton County: April 13th, 7-9 PM at Northampton Community College - South Side Bethlehem Campus (Fowler Center), 511 E. 3 St, Bethlehem

Philadelphia County: April 16th, 10:30 AM-2:30 PM at Philadelphia Ethical Society, 1906 S. Rittenhouse Square

Susquehanna County: April 24th, 12 - 2 PM at Keystone College Miller Library Rm 204 Contact Jay Sweeney 570-587-3603

Wyoming County: April 24th, 12 - 2 PM at Keystone College Miller Library Rm 204 Contact Jay Sweeney 570-587-3603 


Q - Can You schedule your own caucus in April?

A - Yes, email [email protected] for information and guidance.   


Q - Where can I find good information on the candidates?

A -



Sex and Public Policy at Green Night Out | GPOP

Sex and Public Policy at Green Night Out


Lindsay Roth and Kelly Sebetka spoke with members and friends of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP) at Green Night Out on March 12. Discussing "Sex and Public Policy," Roth told her audience, "Legislators in Harrisburg design new bills without consulting the people who will be affected, especially sex workers."

Roth is executive director of Project SAFE, an all-volunteer organization providing advocacy and support for women working in street economies, including sex workers. Sebetka is a volunteer with Project SAFE.

There are four legal models for controlling sex work, according to Roth: criminalization (like Pennsylvania), partial criminalization (like Sweden), legalization (like part of Nevada), and decriminalization (like New Zealand). Most sex-worker-rights activists endorse decriminalization, which has been shown to work. Green Party members present were critical of their party's support for partial criminalization of sex work, and they agreed to seek a change in the Green Party platform.

Roth and Sebetka also discussed a bill under consideration in Harrisburg. Senate Bill (SB) 851, also known as, 'Safe Harbor' legislation, according to Roth, "needs a lot of work before it will actually serve the interests of young people. We worry that poorly written legislation, like this, will blur the line between the criminal justice and social service systems. Law enforcement officers are not trained to provide services to youth. This legislation should require that youth survivors of the sex trade be included in the training of law enforcement officers."

"At-risk youth should be formally included in the development of this legislation," said Sebetka, "to protect the priorities of those most impacted. There should also be a non-discrimination clause that will insure LGBTQ youth not only have access to critical services," Sebetka continued, " but also that those services are safe, welcoming, and tailored to meet the needs of all youth."

Green Night Out is a quarterly Green Party gathering which is open to the public. Green Night Out is held at Su Xing House, in center-city Philadelphia. The diners discuss politics while they enjoyed a Chinese feast.

The Green Party is an independent political party founded on the four pillars of nonviolence, grassroots democracy, ecological wisdom and social justice. For information about the next Green Night Out, please telephone 215-843-4256 or email [email protected].

Chris Robinson has been a member of the Green Party of Philadelphia City Committee since 2011. He can be reached at 215-843-4256 and [email protected]

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Green Party of Pennsylvania Denounces Gridlock, Calls for Fair Budget Now

State College, Pa - The Green Party of Pennsylvania calls on the Republican-controlled state legislature and the Democratic Governor Tom Wolf to put aside politics and finally pass a fair and equitable state budget.

Overdue by almost six months, the lack of a state budget is causing food banks to go underfunded, schools to close, and domestic violence services to fail. KDKA political editor Jon Delano reports that School officials from both Greenville Area and Sharpsville School Districts in Mercer County, may not re-open the schools after the winter break. The money is just not there.

"Once again it is up to us to stand up and demand that right be done. The budget must be passed now!" said Neil Haagen, a Green Party member from Centre County.

As of last Wednesday, Reuters reported that "school districts across Pennsylvania have borrowed about $900 million altogether since July 1 to stay open because of the state's budget impasse," quoting State Auditor General Eugene DePasquale.

County Governments in Pennsylvania have exhausted their ability to front the tens of millions of dollars needed to manage promised services to our citizens.

"This is one of the most egregious examples of how the two major parties have failed us," said Hillary Kane, the Secretary of the Green Party of Pennsylvania. "We need new blood in Harrisburg to break this partisan gridlock. The lack of budget is causing real pain for real people across the state."

Lancaster Online reports that Chester County has spent $30 million of its own money to support human services but cannot continue to do so alone. It also added that Allegheny County has paid $10 million of its own money to cover part of the November bill of $35 million for human services. Luzerne County has agreed to borrow $20 million to cover these types of costs. Both Bucks and Chester Counties will be withholding real estate transfer taxes and court fees which normally are transferred to the state instead.

The Allentown Morning Call reported that a recent United Way survey tells that during this nearly 170 days there have been about 700 non-profit employees laid off with countless others working with no pay. Over 500 other employees lost benefits and approximately 300 will receive 30% cuts in pay.

"Poor and working people are bearing the brunt of the failure to sign a timely budget and will be made to suffer more if a regressive sales tax increase is included in the final deal", said Jay Sweeney, Chair of the Green Party of Pennsylvania.

Loans have been taken out to keep the House and Senate open and running – including the salaries of Senators, legislators and staff carry incremental interest rates- one such loan presently is at 3.25% interest and will climb to 4.25% as of January. The long-term cost to taxpayers is huge and will continue to grow.

The budget crisis will not ultimately benefit the citizens of Pennsylvania. It would have been better to have efficiently and effectively placed a fair, completed, budget before the Pennsylvania public nearly 170 days ago. This delay has netted the banks and capital providers a very heavy toll from the taxpayer in interest and fees placed on loans to support schools and local government services.

Haagen has this to add: "Be prepared to open your wallet, not to pay for the needs of your fellow citizens, but to pay the interest on the money borrowed to pay our legislators' salaries."

The Green Party of Pennsylvania is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands for grassroots democracy, social justice, non violence and ecology.

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Green Party of the United States: Statement on the attacks in Beirut and Paris

GPPA Statement on Paris


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party has released a statement in response to the mass murder of civilians in Beirut, Lebanon, on Nov. 12 and in Paris, France, on Nov. 13: "We in the Green Party of the United States express our sorrow and anger over the attacks in Beirut and Paris and deep sympathy for those who lost their lives, for the injured, for their loved ones, and for the people of Lebanon and France.

"We also express sympathy for civilians killed in Syria, Baghdad, Garissa University College in Kenya, the downing of a Russian airliner, and other recent massacres.

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GPPA welcomes Pope Francis to Pennsylvania

GPPA welcomes Pope Francis to Pennsylvania


The Green Party of Pennsylvania welcomes His Holiness Pope Francis to our beloved Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His much-anticipated visit to Philadelphia is a joy to so many.


In Pope Francis’s recent encyclical about climate change and the environment, Laudato Si’ (Praise Be to You), he has shown his passion to live up to his adopted papal name Francis, after the Christian patron saint of animals and the environment.  


“Pope Francis shares many of the The Green Party of Pennsylvania’s values.” said GPPA Chair Jay Sweeney.   “He is outspoken on social justice, environmental and economic issues that our party has been equally outraged over”, Sweeney concluded.


“Pope Francis’s encouraging words and efforts to address climate change, his implicit opposition to fracking, his care and respect for people of all nations and his criticism of the ‘cheerful recklessness’ of pure unregulated capitalism show that we share mutual goals in these important areas”, said GPPA Steering Committee member David Ochmanowicz Jr.


The Green Party of Pennsylvania is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands for grassroots democracy, social justice, non-violence and ecological wisdom.

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GPPA Green Star - September 2015

Green Party Hails Federal Court Ruling Concerning Pennsylvania’s Restrictive Ballot Access

For Immediate Release
July 27, 2015
Hillary Kane  267-971-3559
Green Party Hails Federal Court Ruling Concerning Pennsylvania’s Restrictive Ballot Access
The Green Party of Pennsylvania applauds Friday’s Federal Court ruling which has declared Pennsylvania’s restrictive ballot access procedures as unconstitutional. The July 24, Order by US District Judge, Lawrence Stengel takes aim at the restrictive, two-tiered scheme of forcing a disproportionate number of voter signatures, compared to the requirement for major parties; and the threat or imposition of litigation costs and fees on candidates whose nominating petitions are challenged successfully.  In cases where independent candidates prevail in a petition challenge, the legal costs can be as high as $50,000.00, Judge Stengel properly notes.  
“The restrictions placed on third party candidates is equivalent to a modern day poll tax. Judge Stengel’s decision has made it clear that limiting access to the ballot is an unacceptable infringement on the citizen’s rights to self-determination and their ability to elect candidates that truly represent the citizen’s views and desire for change,” said Hillary Kane, Secretary,  Green Party of Pennsylvania.
The initiating suit was filed in 2012 on behalf of Green, Libertarian and Constitution Parties of Pennsylvania, as well as various individuals from the three parties.  All three parties have long held the notion that Pennsylvania’s treatment of third party and independent candidates blatantly violates not only the US Constitution, but also the Pennsylvania Constitution, which states that “elections must be free and equal.”  The Greens have been plaintiffs in several actions during the past 15 years, and have won some minor victories, but see Judge Stengel’s Order as the most resounding, by far.
Since the Pennsylvania Courts imposed over $80,000.00 in costs and penalties on Ralph Nader (2004) and Carl Romanelli (2006), many candidates from third parties have simply withdrawn from the ballot due to the concern over life ruining fees being imposed on them.  That has led to a conspicuous absence of third party candidates on Pennsylvania ballots in subsequent years.
In July of 2008, following the “bonusgate” indictments, it was learned that in both the Nader and Romanelli cases the original challenge was only possible through the unlawful use of taxpayer resources and Democratic personnel of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.
Carl Romanelli offered, “We have seen that the excessive number of signatures independent candidates must obtain is so obscene that even the very wealthy Democratic Party cannot bring a challenge without employing vast criminality. Even worse is the total disinterest on the part of the Pennsylvania Courts in correcting the situation.  Thankfully the Federal Court gets it, and has responded appropriately.”
Jay Sweeney, Chairperson of the Greens in Pennsylvania expressed his appreciation for the representation the party has in Attorney Oliver Hall, “First of all, the Green Party of Pennsylvania would like to thank Oliver Hall, from the Center for Competitive Democracy, for his superlative effort in presenting this case.”  He also is calling on the General Assembly to act at once in amending Pennsylvania law at once, as there is legislation pending in the Pennsylvania Senate which would bring Pennsylvania into Constitutional compliance.
“This decision proves what the Green party of Pennsylvania has known all along, elections in Pennsylvania are not open, free and fair. It means that it is now time to move Senator Mike Folmer's Voter's Choice Act, SB 495, through the General Assembly in order to correct this situation,” he suggested.
The Green Party of Pennsylvania is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties.  The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands for grassroots democracy, social justice, non violence and ecology.
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Don't reverse defeat of fast track for Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

Green Party to Democratic U.S. Senators: Don't reverse defeat of fast track for Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

      WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party called on Democrats in the U.S. Senate not to reverse their defeat of fast-track trade authority for passage of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

       On Tuesday, May 12, Senate Democrats blocked passage of legislation to grant President Obama fast-track authority to promote the TPP, which Greens called a temporary victory for democracy and transparency.
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GPPA Green Star Newsletter, April 2015

Green Party of PA May Day Statement 2015

Friday May 1, 2015

Green Party of Pennsylvania supports May Day USA march and rally


May 1, May Day, is an internationally recognized celebration of labor.  The date was chosen to commemorate the Haymarket Riot.  The riot was a result of police action against laborers organized to obtain an 8 hour work day and a bomb thrown by one of the protesters.

While some countries around the world celebrate May Day as Labor Day, efforts to do so in the U.S. have been unsuccessful.  The Green Party of Pa endorses the May Day USA march, rally and celebration in Philadelphia.


"Eighty countries have a public holiday on May Day, but, not the United States, where the 8 hour work day originated", said Vivek Ananthan member of both the Green Party of PA Steering Committee and the International Committee of the Green Party of the United States.  Ananthan initiated a proposal, which was unanimously accepted by the May Day Committee, to ask Philadelphia City Council to declare May Day a public holiday.

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Pennsylvania Green Party Opposes Governor Tom Wolf's regressive tax plan

Governor Wolf’s tax plan negatively impacts working and low income people in Pennsylvania. Already considered one of the “Terrible Ten” states with the most regressive tax systems, Wolf’s plan does little to address the problem.  Property tax is a major Pennsylvania issue, but Wolf offsets cuts with significant increases in regressive sales and income taxes.


In addition, Wolf proposes cutting corporate taxes by 50%.  Figures from Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center indicate that Wolf’s revenue will be derived mostly from Personal Income Tax 41% and sales tax 31% while Corporate Tax will only generate 8% of his budget.


Combined reporting, requiring a corporation and all of its subsidiaries to file a single tax return, will help generate lost tax revenue.  Pennsylvania Public Interest Research Group claims Pennsylvania lost $5.2 billion in corporate tax revenue last year.  This alone would cover Wolf's proposed Property Tax reduction and education spending increases.


Counting on long term tax revenue from gas extraction makes no sense. When the process ends, so will the revenue. Sustainable funding for education is imperative.


Governor Wolf should take a more conservative approach. Eliminate corporate tax loopholes first. Pennsylvania’s lower income and working people need a break, not to be broken,” said Jay Sweeney, Chair Green Party of Pennsylvania.


"As my Green Party gubernatorial campaign made clear, Tom Corbett and Tom Wolf offered voters a choice between two Republicans.” said Green Party candidate Paul Glover. “Governor Wolf is now proposing to cut business taxes while funding schools through fracking our water and raising sales taxes including clothing sales.  Ronald Reagan would be proud of him."


The Green Party of Pennsylvania is an independent political party that stands in opposition to the two corporate parties. The Green Party of Pennsylvania stands for grassroots democracy, social justice, non violence and ecology.


Green Party opposes U.S. military aid for Ukraine

Green Party of the United States

For Immediate Release: Monday, February 16, 2015
This release is online at

Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-904-7614[email protected]
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805[email protected]

Green Party opposes U.S. military aid for Ukraine

• Washington is using Ukraine to provoke a NATO vs. Russia face-off in a new Cold War, say Greens

• View and download Green Party responses to the 2015 State of the Union:

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party opposes proposed plans to provide Ukraine's armed forces military aid to fight rebels who are allegedly receiving assistance from Russia and urges President Obama to reject the advice of warhawk advisors and Congress members.

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GPOP Approves Cancellation of PGW Sale

The City Committee of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP, approves of the cancellation of the sale of the Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) to UIL Holdings. The Green Party is also looking forward to a new plan for Philadelphia to become a hub of sustainable energy.


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Green Party Fields General Assembly Candidates

The Green Party has 2 candidates on the ballot for the November 4 election. Ryan Hazel is running for State Representative in the 98th District. Glenn Davis is running for State Rep in the 190th District.
Glenn Davis is the chair of the Green Party of Philadelphia ( from West Philadelphia.


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Glenn Davis Files for PA State Representative in District 190

On August 1, Glenn Davis filed nomination papers to be the Green Party of Pennsylvania’s candidate in PA House District 190. Davis is the chair of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP, from Haddington in West Philadelphia.

After filing with the PA Secretary of State, Davis said, “I am tired of the present-day political system that does nothing for our community. It is time for a change. A vote for Glenn Davis will be a vote against mass incarceration. I will work to redirect funding out of the prison system and into public education. I will also work for a minimum wage of $15.00/hour and a 40 hour workweek throughout our Commonwealth.”

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Green Party: Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling should boost the movements for single-payer national health care and abolition of corporate personhood

Green Party leaders and candidates strongly condemned the Supreme Court's Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores ruling, and said that the decision should motivate more people to demand single-payer national health care and abolition of corporate "personhood."

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Obama's new EPA rules are a modest start, US needs a clean-energy economy

Green Party candidates and leaders said that President Obama's new EPA regulations on carbon dioxide emissions from electricity generating power plants represented no more than a modest step forward against global climate change.
Greens reiterated the party's call for conversion to an economy based on clean renewable energy, with the added benefit of millions of new jobs. The president's plan also promotes more nuclear energy and natural gas extraction (fracking), which the Green Party opposes because of the danger they pose to public health and security.


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Proposed US-EU trade pact threatens wages, food safety, eco protections

Candidates and activists in the Green Party of the United States are expressing strong opposition to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) as currently negotiated between the United States and European Union.
"Trade barriers between the U.S. and Europe are already low, but the TTIP would lower it even further by weakening labor, food safety, and environmental protections, enabling further privatization of public resources and services, and gutting corporate regulations," said Friedemann Buschbeck, co-coordinator of the Green Party of Tampa, Florida.
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Green Party to FCC: Make Internet a free public resource

Saving the Internet as we know it will take perpetual public pressure on the FCC, the Obama Administration, and future administrations not to enact new rules repealing net neutrality, said Green Party leaders and candidates.
Green Party leaders said that telecommunications lobbies will continue to press the FCC to abolish net neutrality and said that the U.S. must remove the Internet from corporate control by providing public access through free broadband.
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Green Party of PA State Committee to meet June 7 in Bloomsburg

Save the date!  The Green Party of Pa State Committee will meet on Saturday June 7, from 11am to 3pm, at Bloomsburg University.  Exact location to be determined.  All supporters of the party are welcome to attend.

Green Party TV online broadcasts on May 3: NJ & ME

Green Party TV will air special events planned by two state Green Parties on Saturday, May 3 on the party's Livestream channel (
• Green Party New Jersey, 10 am to 4 pm ET: The Green Party of New Jersey will hold its state convention ( Featured speaker Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for Governor of New York (, will speak at 3 pm.


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Green Party: Stop the deportations, enact legal protections for undocumented immigrants

Candidates and leaders of the Green Party of the United States expressed support for the ongoing protests against deportations and confirmed the party's demand for protected legal status for undocumented immigrants currently in the U.S.
Recent protests against deportations include hunger strikes and a peaceful sit-in by members of the Orange County DREAM Team at the Washington D.C. office of Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.).
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Green Party blasts Supremes' ruling on campaign checks, calls for public campaign financing

Candidates and other members of the Green Party of the United States sharply criticized a Supreme Court decision declaring limits on the total amount of money contributors may give to all candidates, committees, and political parties to be unconstitutional, which was announced on April 2.
"The court's ruling on McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission is a victory for plutocrats and a serious blow to democracy," said Paul Glover, Green Party candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania (


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Green Party blasts Supreme Court's ruling on campaign contributions, calls for public campaign financing

Greens call McCutcheon v. FEC "a victory for plutocrats," urge public protest over the selling of publ ic office to the highest bidder, demand passage of amendment abolishing corporate personhood

WASHINGTON, DC -- Candidates and other members of the Green Party of the United States sharply criticized a Supreme Court decision declaring limits on the total amount of money contributors may give to all candidates, committees, and political parties to be unconstitutional, which was announced on April 2.

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Green Party of Philadelphia Endorses May Day Celebration

The City Committee of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP, has endorsed the May Day Rally and Family Celebration which will be held at the Elmwood Park Labor Monument in Southwest Philadelphia on the afternoon of Saturday, May 3. GPOP has traditionally endorsed and actively participated in this celebration since it began in 2007.

Originally, May Day (also known as International Workers' Day) was a commemoration of the Haymarket Massacre in 1886 in Chicago. During the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s, celebrations on the first day of May were suppressed, especially because of May Day’s international appeal.

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Green Party: The U.S. must cease meddling in Ukraine and the Crimean crisis

The U.S. and NATO must cease meddling in Ukraine and attempting to manipulate the Crimean crisis for geopolitical advantage, said leaders of the Green Party of the United States.
Greens said that the complex crisis must be resolved by Ukraine, Russia, and other countries in the region, and that the U.S. should encourage negotiation and respect the democratic rights of Ukrainians without outside interference. Such interference includes military and economic pressure.


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Dr Wendy Lynne Lee selected for Lt. Governor candidate *

Dr Wendy Lynne Lee, prominent opponent of extreme fossil fuel extraction, has been selected as the Green Party's candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania. Lee is professor of philosophy at Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania specializing in philosophy of language, philosophy of animal cognition, environmental and feminist theory.

The author of "Contemporary Feminist Theory and Activism," Lee also writes a regular blog called The Wrench, and is a founding executive member of the Shale Justice Coalition Lee is a stalwart warrior in the resistance to the criminalizing of nonviolent dissent. "Sometimes in order to stand up for what is right, one must sit down with one's fellow citizens and lock arms," she said.

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Green Party Nominates Glover for Governor, Prigg to run for Congress & Sweeney for State Senate

Green Party Nominates Glover for Governor, Prigg to run for Congress and Sweeney for State Senate
Boalsburg, PA – On Sunday, March 2, 2014, the Green Party of Pennsylvania approved nominations for three candidates to compete in the November general election.  Longtime social entrepreneur Paul Glover will be at the top of the ticket as the Green Party candidate for governor.  
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Green Party joins Global Climate Convergence: Earth Day to May Day 2014

The Green Party of the United States has endorsed the "The Global Climate Convergence -- Earth Day to May Day, 2014" (, joining the Green Shadow Cabinet and other organizations in a series of events to take place from April 22 to May 1.
The Global Climate Convergence's "10 days to change course" offer an educational and direct-action campaign to promote collaboration between grassroots movements against "the global assault on our shared economy, ecology, peace, and democracy."
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Greens elect new leaders in Philadelphia

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Greens elect new leaders in Philadelphia

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Bucks County Greens work Voter Registration Drive at Bucks County Community College March 12 & 13

Looking for a Green Party Volunteer to help man the Green Party voter registration table at the Bucks County Community College voter registration drive March 12th & 13th.

We have table space for the 4 sessions on Wednesday & Thursday
10AM - 2PM & 5PM - 7PM each day

Greens email [email protected]

Green Party mourns, remembers Chokwe Lumumba, Mayor of Jackson, Miss.

Green Party leaders, activists, and candidates are remembering Mayor Chokwe Lumumba of Jackson, Miss., who passed away on Feb. 25 at the young age of 66.
Chokwe Lumumba's four-decade involvement in the struggle for justice included work as an attorney for Black Panther Assata Shakur and the late hip-hop artist Tupac Shakur and as vice president of the Republic of New Afrika. He co-founded the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N'COBRA), the National Black Human Rights Coalition, and the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement. He was elected as a Democrat to the Jackson City Council's Ward 2 seat in 2009 and was elected Mayor on June 4, 2013.
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Green Party calls for a halt to drone strikes, Obama's unconstitutional use of war powers

• Greens oppose Defense Sec. Hagel's plan for a "more drones" Armed Forces, continue to urge an end to the Afghanistan War and deep cuts in military spending
• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Green leaders available to speak on foreign policy and peace
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party called for an immediate halt to all drone warfare and for the Obama Administration to comply with the Constitution's assignment of war powers to Congress.


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Green Party urges President Obama, Sec. of State Kerry to reject the tar-sands pipeline

• Greens see danger of approval after the State Dept.'s report and call the pipeline a test for Obama: Will he fight climate change or surrender to Big Oil?
WASHINGTON, DC -- "President Obama is standing at a crossroads right now. He can say no to the Keystone XL pipeline and prove that his administration is serious about reducing production and consumption of fossil fuels. Or he can satisfy Big Oil and major investors by okaying the pipeline's conveyance of dirty, dangerous tar-sands crude oil from Canada across the U.S.," said Darryl! L.C. Moch, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.
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Green Party defends American Studies Assoc. endorsement of economic pressure on Israel

Green Party of the U.S. defends American Studies Association's endorsement of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) to press Israel on human rights
• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Green leaders available to speak on foreign policy:
WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders and candidates expressed support for the American Studies Association's (ASA) Dec. 4 endorsement of boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) to pressure the government of Israel to observe human rights (
Greens said that, despite harsh criticism, growing numbers of people and organizations have begun to support BDS as a nonviolent way to end Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories and apartheid policies, and bring about real peace and security for all Israelis and Palestinians.
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Dems, GOP are 'waging war' on working people

Democrats and Republicans are waging economic war on working people, the unemployed, students, and veterans, says the Green Party
• "Let 2014 be the year that voters wake up to the reality that no real change is possible as long as the two parties of war and Wall Street remain in charge."
• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Green leaders available to speak on economic justice, taxation, and budget policy:
The Democratic and Republican parties are waging economic war on working Americans, the unemployed, students, and veterans, said Green Party leaders and candidates on New Years Day 2014.
Greens hoped that 2014 would be the year that Americans realize that the two corporate-money parties are causing the erosion of the middle class and driving poor people into destitution and desperation.
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Green Party urges Congress to pass the "End Polluter Welfare Act of 2013"

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders are urging support in Congress for the "End Polluter Welfare Act of 2013" introduced in the U.S. Senate by Sen. Bernie Sanders (Ind-Vt.) and in the U.S. House by Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.).
"The first step in ending our addictively high consumption of fossil fuel energy is ending handouts to Big Oil," said Audrey Clement, co-chair of the Eco-Action Committee of the Green Party of the United States ( "The passage of this bill should be accompanied by a halt on fracking, mountaintop detonation mining, and offshore drilling in U.S. coastal waters, and disapproval for proposed pipelines from Canadian tar-sands oil fields. Without these initial steps, promises of action to avert a global climate catastrophe can't be taken seriously."
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Last Briefs Filed in Pennsylvania Ballot Access Lawsuit

Here are links to the last two briefs filed in Constitution Party of Pennsylvania v Aichele, 13-1952, in the Third Circuit. Here is the state’s brief. Here is the reply brief of the Constitution, Green, and Libertarian Parties.

Green Party mourns Nelson Mandela

WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States is remembering former South African President Nelson Mandela as an inspiration in the struggle for global justice, liberation, and peace.
Greens expressed their sympathy for President Mandela's family and the people of South Africa and paid homage to his fight against apartheid and economic oppression, the courage that sustained him through 27 years of imprisonment, and his "Rainbow Nation" legacy.


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Green Party calls for a halt on the Trans-Pacific Partnership after leak of secret docs

Green Party calls for a halt on the Trans-Pacific Partnership after the publication by Wikileaks of secret documents from the trade deal

• Congress should reject President Obama's request for fast-track authority on the secretly negotiated pact, say Greens
• Green Party Speakers Bureau: Green leaders available to speak on corporate power and globalization:
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party today called for an immediate halt in the Obama Administration's closed-door negotiations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), following the publication by Wikileaks of the TPP's intellectual property chapter on Nov. 13.
Greens also demanded that Congress reject President Obama's request for fast-track authority to implement the TPP, a proposed commercial pact between the U.S. and 11 Asian and Latin American countries.
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Young Green Party candidate wins Borough Council Seat

Neil B. Haagen III led several Green Party candidates to victory on Tuesday.  The 23 year old FedEx dockworker was elected to Snowshoe Borough Council in Centre County.   He ran on a platform of meeting the needs of his community in a cost effective manner.
In other races, Tausif Khan was elected Judge of Elections, Falls Township 1 – 5, Bucks County.   Eric Hamell was elected Inspector of Elections, Ward 59, Division 21, Philadelphia County.  Kevin Mock won a write in campaign for Auditor in Dimock Township, Susquehanna County.
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Greens Win Elections From California to Maine

This Tuesday was Election Day for over a hundred Green Party candidates in local elections across the country. Here are some Green Party members who were elected and are now serving their communities with Green values in mind:  

In California, 16 Greens were elected to local office this week - a record number for a local election year, with 90% of incumbent Green officeholders winning re-election. Several Green Party members were elected for the first time. Click here for a complete list of Green victories in California.  

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The solution to Obamacare defects is Medicare For All

Green Party: The solution to Obamacare's defects is Medicare For All
WASHINGTON, DC -- The solution to problems with the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare") is a "Medicare For All" Single-Payer universal health-care system, said Green Party leaders and candidates.
"Obamacare offers a set of modest positive reforms and a substantial expansion of Medicaid which are thoroughly offset by numerous defects and continued deficiencies that can be readily remedied by legislation that expands Medicare to all Americans," said John Battista, MD, former Green candidate for state representative in Connecticut and co-author of his state's single-payer legislation in 1999 (the Connecticut Health Care Security Act). "The Green Party has advocated a Single-Payer program since the party began."
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Green Party candidates to watch in the Nov. 5 general election


WASHINGTON, DC -- Nearly 100 candidates are representing the Green Party in state, county, and municipal elections on November 5, 2013.
Below are some of this year's Green candidates who are running noteworthy campaigns, listed by state. For several of the candidates, victory is achievable.

For a list of all 2013 Green candidates, see the party's election web pages ( and For contact information, see the candidates' web sites.

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After the shutdown, American people still need Medicare For All

WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders spoke out today about the budget impasse, government shutdown, bipartisan plans to scale back Social Security and Medicare, and looming negotiations on the debt ceiling.

Greens emphasized that the Affordable Care Act, which remains at the center of the stalemate between Democrats, traditional Republicans, and extremist Tea Party Republicans, must be replaced with a single-payer national health care system ("Medicare For All").

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Green Party calls “Healthy PA” a privatization scheme
Corbett’s proposal should be rejected by federal government


The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA []) is calling out Governor Tom Corbett for once again playing politics with people’s lives, this time in the healthcare arena. Announced on September 16, Corbett’s proposed “Healthy PA” would be a drastic diversion from the Medicaid expansion provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
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Green Party to Congress: Don't Cut Food Stamps

• Greens call poverty a national crisis that needs solutions like the Green New Deal instead of Republican punishment of the poor and Democratic compromises

WASHINGTON, DC — The plan passed by House Republicans on Sept. 19 to cut $40 billion from food aid would, if enacted, result in deepening poverty and hunger, said Green Party leaders.
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Green Party praises restraint toward Syria; Keep Up Anti-War Pressure

Green Party: President Obama’s pause in the drive to attack Syria is good news, but anti-war pressure on White House must continue
WASHINGTON, DC — Green Party leaders said that President Obama’s decision for a temporary pause in the rush to win congressional authorization and launch an air strike against Syria was good news and a monumental achievement by the American people. Greens now urge the President to call off the attack permanently and instead support nonviolent efforts to end the strife in Syria.



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Green Party of Pennsylvania Decries Lack of State Funding for Philadelphia Schools
As students head back to school this week, the Green Party of Pennsylvania ( looks to Governor Corbett as the source of Philadelphia’s school funding woes.
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Green Party opposes threats of U.S. intervention in Syria
and Obama’s ‘blank check’ abuse of military power

• Greens cite conflicting accounts regarding which side used chemical weapons and U.S. attempt to stymie the U.N. probe

WASHINGTON, DC — The Green Party of the United States opposes threats by the Obama Administration to launch an attack on Syria and said that an order to attack would be a serious abuse of presidential power. Greens called for repeal of the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) passed by Congress on September 18, 2001, which the two most recent presidential administrations have used to justify attacks on other nations.


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Green Party backs restoration of Glass-Steagall protections, but calls proposed Warren-McCain legislation only a first step

WASHINGTON, DC — Green Party leaders are calling for passage of legislation to reinstate the protections of the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933.

But Greens are calling such legislation, which has been proposed by Senators Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), a modest first step towards reining in the power of major financial corporations whose fraud and recklessness led to the 2008 economic meltdown.


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The Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, supports Montgomery County Register of Wills D. Bruce Hanes for issuing marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples.  In doing so, Hanes is defying Pennsylvania’s backward and discriminating Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) of 1996, a law which the Green Party has always maintained is inconsistent with their social justice policies.  Emily Cook, chair of the Green Party of Montgomery County said, “Any official actively challenging DOMA is commended by the Green Party, no matter their political affiliation.”


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